compiler / opencl_c_versions PASS

Test metadata

Name opencl_c_versions
Category compiler
Suite Khronos OpenCL CTS
Suite version 80a4a833
Executable path /test_conformance/compiler/bin/test_compiler
Arguments opencl_c_versions

Run metadata

Parent job Job 121
Revision 641992997897516… / phab-diff-503177: [SPIRV] fix several issues in builds with expe…
Driver version NEO 22.34.24023; IGC 1.0.11702.1
Date run 03/12/2023
Duration 0 minutes
Status PASS

Runner output

Stdout from the runner of the corresponding OpenCL CTS test:

Initializing random seed to 0.
Requesting Default device based on command line for platform index 0 and device index 0
Compute Device Name = Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630 [0x3e98], Compute Device Vendor = Intel(R) Corporation, Compute Device Version = OpenCL 3.0 NEO , CL C Version = OpenCL C 1.2
Device latest conformance version passed: v2022-04-22-00
Supports single precision denormals: YES
sizeof( void*) = 8 (host)
sizeof( void*) = 8 (device)
testing compilation based on CL_DEVICE_OPENCL_C_VERSION
successfully built program with build options '-cl-std=CL1.1'
successfully built program with build options '-cl-std=CL1.2'
testing compilation based on CL_DEVICE_OPENCL_C_ALL_VERSIONS
skipping OpenCL C 1.0, there is no -cl-std=CL1.0.
successfully built program with build options '-cl-std=CL1.1'
successfully built program with build options '-cl-std=CL1.2'
successfully built program with build options '-cl-std=CL3.0'
testing for OPENCL_C_VERSION required features
testing for OPENCL_C_VERSION required versions
found OpenCL C version '1.0'
found OpenCL C version '1.1'
found OpenCL C version '1.2'
opencl_c_versions passed
PASSED sub-test.
PASSED test.

Stderr from the runner of the corresponding OpenCL CTS test:

Runner dumps

No dump files generated.