Compare results for job 44 and job 37

Job 44 metadata

Job identifier 44
Creation date 10/29/2022 23:10
Primary True
Status Completed
Commit title phab-diff-471783: [SPIRV] support enqueue_kernel builtin functio…
Commit hash a8dd7803f9a1cce71aa2c4d6ff0836da84dd6caa
Commit branch origin/phab-diff-471783
Committed 10/29/2022

Job 37 metadata

Job identifier 37
Creation date 10/28/2022 03:41
Primary True
Status Completed
Commit title [SPIRV] Fix formatting of function tests
Commit hash 14ea4f5bf262037a90064d842138593961db7de9
Commit branch origin/main
Committed 10/14/2022

Job 44 LIT test results

Total tests 218
Passing tests 218 (100%)
Failing tests 0 (0%)

Job 37 LIT test results

Total tests 214
Passing tests 214 (100%)
Failing tests 0 (0%)
All results
Test path Job 44 status Job 37 status
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/RelationalOperators.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/sub_group_shuffle_relative.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/ptrcmp.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/sub_group_shuffle.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/fp-intrinsics.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/linkage-types.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/float-casts.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/integer-casts.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpGroupAsyncCopy.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/opencl/basic/progvar_prog_scope_uninit.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/simple.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/icmp.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/opencl/basic/progvar_prog_scope_init.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/atomic_acqrel.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/intrinsics.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/uitofp-with-bool.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpImageWrite.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/atomic_seq.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/group_ops.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/umul.with.overflow.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/explicit-conversions.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/read_image.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/scalar-bitwise-operations.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/relationals_float.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/sub_group_clustered_reduce.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/fcmp.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/atomic.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/opencl/device_execution/execute_block.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/ExecutionMode.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/fcmp.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/vector-shuffle.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/DivRem.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/extract_insert_value.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/relationals_half.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/bswap.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/builtin_vars-decorate.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/spirv-types.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/expect.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/metadata-opencl.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/SpecConstantComposite.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/sub_group_non_uniform_vote.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/builtin_vars_arithmetics.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/sub_group_extended_types.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/relationals_double.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/maxnum.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/exec_mode_float_control_khr.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/spec_const_decoration.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/vector-bitwise-operations.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/memset.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/relationals.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/opencl/basic/vstore_private.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/image-unoptimized.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/block_w_struct_return.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/AtomicCompareExchangeExplicit_cl20.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpImageQuerySize.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/sub_group_non_uniform_arithmetic.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/global_block.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/fshr.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/constant/local-float-point-constants.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/nested-composites.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/TransFNeg.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/fshl.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/sub_group_ballot.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/function/internal-anonymous-function.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/ConvertPtr.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/float-fast-flags.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/struct.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/constant/global-constants.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/cl-types.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/ComparePointers.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/check_ro_qualifier.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/spec_const.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/BuildNDRange_2.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/scalar-floating-point-arithmetic.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/AtomicCompareExchange.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/RelationalOperatorsFUnord.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/pstruct.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/vector-floating-point-arithmetic.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/ldexp.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/linked-list.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpImageSampleExplicitLod.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/function/trivial-function-with-attributes.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpMin.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/abs.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/assume.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/SampledImage.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/fmul.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpImageReadMS.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/vec8.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/multi_md.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpConstantSampler.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/call-complex-function.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/unreachable.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/capability-kernel.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpenCL/atomic_work_item_fence.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/fabs.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/literal-struct.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/spirv-private-array-initialization.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpSwitch64.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/opencl/image.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/vector-integer-arithmetic.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/BuildNDRange.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpDot.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/half_no_extension.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/opencl/kernel_arg_type_function_metadata.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpenCL/work_group_barrier.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/select.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/builtin_vars_opt.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/FOrdGreaterThanEqual_int.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/ctpop.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/isequal.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/opencl/basic/get_global_offset.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/memory_access.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/scalar-integer-arithmetic.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/builtin_calls.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpSwitch32.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/capability-Int64Atomics-store.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpenCL/atomic_legacy.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/GlobalFunAnnotate.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/BitReversePref.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpAllAny.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/spirv-tools-dis.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/function/alloca-load-store.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/image_store.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpVectorInsertDynamic_i16.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/image_with_access_qualifiers.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/TruncToBool.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/constant/local-integers-constants.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/atomicrmw.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpSwitchChar.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/atomic_load_store.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/SampledImageRetType.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/sqrt.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/fp_contract_reassoc_fast_mode.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/event_no_group_cap.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/link-attribute.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/SpecConstants/bool-spirv-specconstant.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/fdiv.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/half_extension.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/ceil.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpenCL/barrier.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/constant/local-bool-constants.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/invariant.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/NoSignedUnsignedWrap.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/extensions/no_wrap.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/image.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/function/trivial-function-with-call.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/store.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/sitofp-with-bool.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpenCL/atomic_cmpxchg.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/branching/if-non-merging.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/nearbyint.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/fadd.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/DecorationMaxByteOffset.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/opencl/get_global_id.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/vec_type_hint.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpBitReverse_v2i16.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpVectorExtractDynamic.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/image_decl_func_arg.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/lshr-constexpr.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/fclamp.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/spirv_param_decorations.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/frem.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/fsub.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/select.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpConstantBool.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/spirv.Queue.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/branching/if-merging.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/OpVectorInsertDynamic.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpBitReverse_i32.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpPhi_ArgumentsPlaceholders.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/constant/local-null-constants.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/fmod.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/fneg.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/no_capability_shader.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/bitcast.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/cttz.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/opencl/kernel_arg_type_module_metadata.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/readonly.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/ReqdSubgroupSize.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/constant/local-aggregate-constant.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpGroupAllAny.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/llvm-intrinsics/ctlz.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/clk_event_t.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/capability-integers.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/preprocess-metadata.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/mangled_function.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/opaque_pointers.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpenCL/sub_group_mask.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/image_get_size_with_access_qualifiers.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/non32.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpSwitchEmpty.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpSwitchUnreachable.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/optnone.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/memory_model_md.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/constant/local-vector-matrix-constants.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/FOrdGreaterThanEqual_bool.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/builtin_vars.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/ExecutionMode_SPIR_to_SPIRV.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/instructions/call-trivial-function.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/DecorationAlignment.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/capability-Int64Atomics.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/optional-core-features-multiple.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/function/identity-function.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/function/trivial-function-definition.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/spirv_param_decorations_quals.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/empty.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/empty-opencl64.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/opencl.queue_t.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/empty-opencl32.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/CheckCapKernelWithoutKernel.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/image_dim.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/empty-module.ll PASS PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/AtomicBuiltinsFloat.ll PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/get_image_num_mip_levels.ll PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/EnqueueEmptyKernel.ll PASS
CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/enqueue_kernel.ll PASS

Job 44 OpenCL conformance test results

Total tests 1276
Passing tests 1100 (86%)
Failing tests 176 (14%)

Job 37 OpenCL conformance test results

Total tests 1276
Passing tests 1100 (86%)
Failing tests 176 (14%)
All results
Test name Category Job 44 status Job 37 status
get_platform_info api PASS PASS
get_sampler_info api PASS PASS
get_sampler_info_compatibility api PASS PASS
get_command_queue_info api PASS PASS
get_command_queue_info_compatibility api PASS PASS
get_context_info api PASS PASS
get_device_info api PASS PASS
enqueue_task api PASS PASS
binary_get api PASS PASS
binary_create api PASS PASS
kernel_required_group_size api FAIL FAIL
release_kernel_order api PASS PASS
release_during_execute api PASS PASS
load_single_kernel api PASS PASS
load_two_kernels api PASS PASS
load_two_kernels_in_one api PASS PASS
load_two_kernels_manually api PASS PASS
get_program_info_kernel_names api PASS PASS
get_kernel_arg_info api FAIL FAIL
create_kernels_in_program api PASS PASS
get_kernel_info api PASS PASS
kernel_private_memory_size api PASS PASS
execute_kernel_local_sizes api PASS PASS
set_kernel_arg_by_index api PASS PASS
set_kernel_arg_constant api PASS PASS
set_kernel_arg_struct_array api PASS PASS
kernel_global_constant api PASS PASS
kernel_attributes api FAIL FAIL
min_max_thread_dimensions api PASS PASS
min_max_work_items_sizes api PASS PASS
min_max_work_group_size api PASS PASS
min_max_read_image_args api PASS PASS
min_max_write_image_args api PASS PASS
min_max_mem_alloc_size api PASS PASS
min_max_image_2d_width api PASS PASS
min_max_image_2d_height api PASS PASS
min_max_image_3d_width api PASS PASS
min_max_image_3d_height api PASS PASS
min_max_image_3d_depth api PASS PASS
min_max_image_array_size api PASS PASS
min_max_image_buffer_size api PASS PASS
min_max_parameter_size api PASS PASS
min_max_samplers api FAIL FAIL
min_max_constant_buffer_size api PASS PASS
min_max_constant_args api PASS PASS
min_max_compute_units api PASS PASS
min_max_address_bits api PASS PASS
min_max_single_fp_config api PASS PASS
min_max_double_fp_config api PASS PASS
min_max_local_mem_size api PASS PASS
min_max_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple api PASS PASS
min_max_execution_capabilities api PASS PASS
min_max_queue_properties api PASS PASS
min_max_device_version api PASS PASS
min_max_language_version api PASS PASS
kernel_arg_changes api PASS PASS
kernel_arg_multi_setup_random api PASS PASS
native_kernel api PASS PASS
create_context_from_type api PASS PASS
platform_extensions api PASS PASS
get_platform_ids api PASS PASS
bool_type api PASS PASS
repeated_setup_cleanup api PASS PASS
retain_queue_single api PASS PASS
retain_queue_multiple api PASS PASS
retain_mem_object_single api PASS PASS
retain_mem_object_multiple api PASS PASS
retain_mem_object_set_kernel_arg api PASS PASS
min_data_type_align_size_alignment api PASS PASS
context_destructor_callback api PASS PASS
mem_object_destructor_callback api PASS PASS
null_buffer_arg api PASS PASS
get_buffer_info api PASS PASS
get_image2d_info api PASS PASS
get_image3d_info api PASS PASS
get_image1d_info api PASS PASS
get_image1d_array_info api PASS PASS
get_image2d_array_info api PASS PASS
queue_flush_on_release api PASS PASS
queue_hint api PASS PASS
queue_properties api PASS PASS
sub_group_dispatch api PASS PASS
clone_kernel api FAIL FAIL
zero_sized_enqueue api PASS PASS
buffer_properties_queries api PASS PASS
image_properties_queries api PASS PASS
queue_properties_queries api PASS PASS
pipe_properties_queries api PASS PASS
consistency_svm api PASS PASS
consistency_memory_model api PASS PASS
consistency_device_enqueue api PASS PASS
consistency_pipes api PASS PASS
consistency_progvar api PASS PASS
consistency_non_uniform_work_group api PASS PASS
consistency_read_write_images api PASS PASS
consistency_2d_image_from_buffer api PASS PASS
consistency_depth_images api PASS PASS
consistency_device_and_host_timer api PASS PASS
consistency_il_programs api PASS PASS
consistency_subgroups api PASS PASS
consistency_prog_ctor_dtor api PASS PASS
consistency_3d_image_writes api PASS PASS
min_image_formats api PASS PASS
negative_get_platform_info api PASS PASS
negative_get_platform_ids api PASS PASS
hostptr basic PASS PASS
fpmath_float basic PASS PASS
fpmath_float2 basic PASS PASS
fpmath_float4 basic PASS PASS
intmath_int basic PASS PASS
intmath_int2 basic PASS PASS
intmath_int4 basic PASS PASS
intmath_long basic PASS PASS
intmath_long2 basic PASS PASS
intmath_long4 basic PASS PASS
hiloeo basic PASS PASS
if basic PASS PASS
sizeof basic PASS PASS
loop basic PASS PASS
pointer_cast basic PASS PASS
local_arg_def basic PASS PASS
local_kernel_def basic PASS PASS
local_kernel_scope basic PASS PASS
constant basic PASS PASS
constant_source basic PASS PASS
readimage basic PASS PASS
readimage_int16 basic PASS PASS
readimage_fp32 basic PASS PASS
writeimage basic PASS PASS
writeimage_int16 basic PASS PASS
writeimage_fp32 basic PASS PASS
mri_one basic PASS PASS
mri_multiple basic PASS PASS
image_r8 basic PASS PASS
barrier basic PASS PASS
wg_barrier basic PASS PASS
int2float basic PASS PASS
float2int basic PASS PASS
imagereadwrite basic PASS PASS
imagereadwrite3d basic PASS PASS
readimage3d basic PASS PASS
readimage3d_int16 basic PASS PASS
readimage3d_fp32 basic PASS PASS
bufferreadwriterect basic PASS PASS
arrayreadwrite basic PASS PASS
arraycopy basic PASS PASS
imagearraycopy basic PASS PASS
imagearraycopy3d basic PASS PASS
imagecopy basic PASS PASS
imagecopy3d basic PASS PASS
imagerandomcopy basic PASS PASS
arrayimagecopy basic PASS PASS
arrayimagecopy3d basic PASS PASS
imagenpot basic PASS PASS
vload_global basic PASS PASS
vload_local basic PASS PASS
vload_constant basic PASS PASS
vload_private basic PASS PASS
vstore_global basic PASS PASS
vstore_local basic PASS PASS
vstore_private basic PASS PASS
createkernelsinprogram basic PASS PASS
imagedim_pow2 basic PASS PASS
imagedim_non_pow2 basic PASS PASS
image_param basic PASS PASS
image_multipass_integer_coord basic PASS PASS
image_multipass_float_coord basic PASS PASS
explicit_s2v_char basic PASS PASS
explicit_s2v_uchar basic PASS PASS
explicit_s2v_short basic PASS PASS
explicit_s2v_ushort basic PASS PASS
explicit_s2v_int basic PASS PASS
explicit_s2v_uint basic PASS PASS
explicit_s2v_long basic PASS PASS
explicit_s2v_ulong basic PASS PASS
explicit_s2v_float basic PASS PASS
explicit_s2v_double basic PASS PASS
enqueue_map_buffer basic PASS PASS
enqueue_map_image basic PASS PASS
work_item_functions basic PASS PASS
astype basic PASS PASS
async_copy_global_to_local basic PASS PASS
async_copy_local_to_global basic PASS PASS
async_strided_copy_global_to_local basic PASS PASS
async_strided_copy_local_to_global basic PASS PASS
async_copy_global_to_local2D basic PASS PASS
async_copy_local_to_global2D basic PASS PASS
async_copy_global_to_local3D basic PASS PASS
async_copy_local_to_global3D basic PASS PASS
async_work_group_copy_fence_import_after_export_aliased_local basic PASS PASS
async_work_group_copy_fence_import_after_export_aliased_global basic PASS PASS
async_work_group_copy_fence_import_after_export_aliased_global_and_local basic PASS PASS
async_work_group_copy_fence_export_after_import_aliased_local basic PASS PASS
async_work_group_copy_fence_export_after_import_aliased_global basic PASS PASS
async_work_group_copy_fence_export_after_import_aliased_global_and_local basic PASS PASS
prefetch basic PASS PASS
kernel_call_kernel_function basic PASS PASS
host_numeric_constants basic PASS PASS
kernel_numeric_constants basic PASS PASS
kernel_limit_constants basic PASS PASS
kernel_preprocessor_macros basic PASS PASS
parameter_types basic PASS PASS
vector_creation basic PASS PASS
vector_swizzle basic PASS PASS
vec_type_hint basic PASS PASS
kernel_memory_alignment_local basic PASS PASS
kernel_memory_alignment_global basic PASS PASS
kernel_memory_alignment_constant basic PASS PASS
kernel_memory_alignment_private basic PASS PASS
progvar_prog_scope_misc basic PASS PASS
progvar_prog_scope_uninit basic PASS PASS
progvar_prog_scope_init basic FAIL FAIL
progvar_func_scope basic PASS PASS
global_work_offsets basic PASS PASS
get_global_offset basic PASS PASS
global_linear_id basic PASS PASS
local_linear_id basic PASS PASS
enqueued_local_size basic PASS PASS
simple_read_image_pitch basic PASS PASS
simple_write_image_pitch basic PASS PASS
get_linear_ids basic PASS PASS
rw_image_access_qualifier basic PASS PASS
atomic_add atomics PASS PASS
atomic_sub atomics PASS PASS
atomic_xchg atomics PASS PASS
atomic_min atomics PASS PASS
atomic_max atomics PASS PASS
atomic_inc atomics PASS PASS
atomic_dec atomics PASS PASS
atomic_cmpxchg atomics PASS PASS
atomic_and atomics PASS PASS
atomic_or atomics PASS PASS
atomic_xor atomics PASS PASS
atomic_add_index atomics PASS PASS
atomic_add_index_bin atomics PASS PASS
buffer_read_async_int buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_async_uint buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_async_long buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_async_ulong buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_async_short buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_async_ushort buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_async_char buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_async_uchar buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_async_float buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_array_barrier_int buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_array_barrier_uint buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_array_barrier_long buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_array_barrier_ulong buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_array_barrier_short buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_array_barrier_ushort buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_array_barrier_char buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_array_barrier_uchar buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_array_barrier_float buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_int buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_uint buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_long buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_ulong buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_short buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_ushort buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_float buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_half buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_char buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_uchar buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_struct buffers PASS PASS
buffer_read_random_size buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_read_int buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_read_uint buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_read_long buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_read_ulong buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_read_short buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_read_ushort buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_read_char buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_read_uchar buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_read_float buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_read_struct buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_write_int buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_write_uint buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_write_long buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_write_ulong buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_write_short buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_write_ushort buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_write_char buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_write_uchar buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_write_float buffers PASS PASS
buffer_map_write_struct buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_int buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_uint buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_short buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_ushort buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_char buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_uchar buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_float buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_half buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_long buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_ulong buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_struct buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_async_int buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_async_uint buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_async_short buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_async_ushort buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_async_char buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_async_uchar buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_async_float buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_async_long buffers PASS PASS
buffer_write_async_ulong buffers PASS PASS
buffer_copy buffers PASS PASS
buffer_partial_copy buffers PASS PASS
mem_read_write_flags buffers PASS PASS
mem_write_only_flags buffers PASS PASS
mem_read_only_flags buffers PASS PASS
mem_copy_host_flags buffers PASS PASS
mem_alloc_ref_flags buffers PASS PASS
array_info_size buffers PASS PASS
sub_buffers_read_write buffers PASS PASS
sub_buffers_read_write_dual_devices buffers PASS PASS
sub_buffers_overlapping buffers PASS PASS
buffer_fill_int buffers PASS PASS
buffer_fill_uint buffers PASS PASS
buffer_fill_short buffers PASS PASS
buffer_fill_ushort buffers PASS PASS
buffer_fill_char buffers PASS PASS
buffer_fill_uchar buffers PASS PASS
buffer_fill_long buffers PASS PASS
buffer_fill_ulong buffers PASS PASS
buffer_fill_float buffers PASS PASS
buffer_fill_struct buffers PASS PASS
buffer_migrate buffers PASS PASS
image_migrate buffers PASS PASS
clamp commonfns PASS PASS
degrees commonfns PASS PASS
fmax commonfns PASS PASS
fmaxf commonfns PASS PASS
fmin commonfns PASS PASS
fminf commonfns PASS PASS
max commonfns PASS PASS
maxf commonfns PASS PASS
min commonfns PASS PASS
minf commonfns PASS PASS
mix commonfns PASS PASS
radians commonfns PASS PASS
step commonfns PASS PASS
stepf commonfns PASS PASS
smoothstep commonfns PASS PASS
smoothstepf commonfns PASS PASS
sign commonfns PASS PASS
load_program_source compiler PASS PASS
load_multistring_source compiler PASS PASS
load_two_kernel_source compiler PASS PASS
load_null_terminated_source compiler PASS PASS
load_null_terminated_multi_line_source compiler PASS PASS
load_null_terminated_partial_multi_line_source compiler PASS PASS
load_discreet_length_source compiler PASS PASS
get_program_source compiler PASS PASS
get_program_build_info compiler PASS PASS
get_program_info compiler PASS PASS
large_compile compiler PASS PASS
async_build compiler PASS PASS
options_build_optimizations compiler PASS PASS
options_build_macro compiler PASS PASS
options_build_macro_existence compiler PASS PASS
options_include_directory compiler PASS PASS
options_denorm_cache compiler PASS PASS
preprocessor_define_udef compiler PASS PASS
preprocessor_include compiler PASS PASS
preprocessor_line_error compiler FAIL FAIL
preprocessor_pragma compiler PASS PASS
opencl_c_versions compiler PASS PASS
compiler_defines_for_extensions compiler PASS PASS
image_macro compiler PASS PASS
simple_compile_only compiler PASS PASS
simple_static_compile_only compiler PASS PASS
simple_extern_compile_only compiler PASS PASS
simple_compile_with_callback compiler PASS PASS
simple_embedded_header_compile compiler PASS PASS
simple_link_only compiler PASS PASS
two_file_regular_variable_access compiler PASS PASS
two_file_regular_struct_access compiler PASS PASS
two_file_regular_function_access compiler PASS PASS
simple_link_with_callback compiler PASS PASS
simple_embedded_header_link compiler PASS PASS
execute_after_simple_compile_and_link compiler PASS PASS
execute_after_simple_compile_and_link_no_device_info compiler PASS PASS
execute_after_simple_compile_and_link_with_defines compiler PASS PASS
execute_after_simple_compile_and_link_with_callbacks compiler PASS PASS
execute_after_simple_library_with_link compiler PASS PASS
execute_after_two_file_link compiler PASS PASS
execute_after_embedded_header_link compiler PASS PASS
execute_after_included_header_link compiler PASS PASS
execute_after_serialize_reload_object compiler PASS PASS
execute_after_serialize_reload_library compiler PASS PASS
simple_library_only compiler PASS PASS
simple_library_with_callback compiler PASS PASS
simple_library_with_link compiler PASS PASS
two_file_link compiler PASS PASS
multi_file_libraries compiler PASS PASS
multiple_files compiler PASS PASS
multiple_libraries compiler PASS PASS
multiple_files_multiple_libraries compiler PASS PASS
multiple_embedded_headers compiler PASS PASS
program_binary_type compiler PASS PASS
compile_and_link_status_options_log compiler PASS PASS
pragma_unroll compiler PASS PASS
features_macro compiler PASS PASS
unload_valid compiler PASS PASS
unload_repeated compiler PASS PASS
unload_compile_unload_link compiler PASS PASS
unload_build_unload_create_kernel compiler PASS PASS
unload_link_different compiler PASS PASS
unload_build_threaded compiler PASS PASS
unload_build_info compiler PASS PASS
unload_program_binaries compiler PASS PASS
computeinfo computeinfo PASS PASS
extended_versioning computeinfo PASS PASS
device_uuid computeinfo PASS PASS
conformance_version computeinfo PASS PASS
contractions_float_0 contractions FAIL FAIL
contractions_float_1 contractions FAIL FAIL
contractions_float_2 contractions FAIL FAIL
contractions_float_3 contractions FAIL FAIL
contractions_float_4 contractions FAIL FAIL
contractions_float_5 contractions FAIL FAIL
contractions_float_6 contractions FAIL FAIL
contractions_float_7 contractions FAIL FAIL
contractions_double_0 contractions FAIL FAIL
contractions_double_1 contractions FAIL FAIL
contractions_double_2 contractions FAIL FAIL
contractions_double_3 contractions FAIL FAIL
contractions_double_4 contractions FAIL FAIL
contractions_double_5 contractions FAIL FAIL
contractions_double_6 contractions FAIL FAIL
contractions_double_7 contractions FAIL FAIL
partition_equally device_partition PASS PASS
partition_by_counts device_partition PASS PASS
partition_by_affinity_domain_numa device_partition PASS PASS
partition_by_affinity_domain_l4_cache device_partition PASS PASS
partition_by_affinity_domain_l3_cache device_partition PASS PASS
partition_by_affinity_domain_l2_cache device_partition PASS PASS
partition_by_affinity_domain_l1_cache device_partition PASS PASS
partition_by_affinity_domain_next_partitionable device_partition PASS PASS
partition_all device_partition PASS PASS
event_get_execute_status events PASS PASS
event_get_write_array_status events PASS PASS
event_get_read_array_status events PASS PASS
event_get_info events PASS PASS
event_wait_for_execute events PASS PASS
event_wait_for_array events PASS PASS
event_flush events PASS PASS
event_finish_execute events PASS PASS
event_finish_array events PASS PASS
event_release_before_done events PASS PASS
event_enqueue_marker events PASS PASS
event_enqueue_marker_with_event_list events PASS PASS
event_enqueue_barrier_with_event_list events PASS PASS
out_of_order_event_waitlist_single_queue events PASS PASS
out_of_order_event_waitlist_multi_queue events PASS PASS
out_of_order_event_waitlist_multi_queue_multi_device events FAIL FAIL
out_of_order_event_enqueue_wait_for_events_single_queue events PASS PASS
out_of_order_event_enqueue_wait_for_events_multi_queue events PASS PASS
out_of_order_event_enqueue_wait_for_events_multi_queue_multi_device events FAIL FAIL
out_of_order_event_enqueue_marker_single_queue events PASS PASS
out_of_order_event_enqueue_marker_multi_queue events PASS PASS
out_of_order_event_enqueue_marker_multi_queue_multi_device events FAIL FAIL
out_of_order_event_enqueue_barrier_single_queue events PASS PASS
waitlists events PASS PASS
userevents events PASS PASS
callbacks events PASS PASS
callbacks_simultaneous events PASS PASS
userevents_multithreaded events PASS PASS
geom_cross geometrics PASS PASS
geom_dot geometrics PASS PASS
geom_distance geometrics PASS PASS
geom_fast_distance geometrics PASS PASS
geom_length geometrics PASS PASS
geom_fast_length geometrics PASS PASS
geom_normalize geometrics PASS PASS
geom_fast_normalize geometrics PASS PASS
vload_half half PASS PASS
vloada_half half PASS PASS
vstore_half half PASS PASS
vstorea_half half PASS PASS
vstore_half_rte half PASS PASS
vstorea_half_rte half PASS PASS
vstore_half_rtz half PASS PASS
vstorea_half_rtz half PASS PASS
vstore_half_rtp half PASS PASS
vstorea_half_rtp half PASS PASS
vstore_half_rtn half PASS PASS
vstorea_half_rtn half PASS PASS
roundTrip half PASS PASS
integer_clz integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_ctz integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_hadd integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_rhadd integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_mul_hi integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_rotate integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_clamp integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_mad_sat integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_mad_hi integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_min integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_max integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_upsample integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_abs integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_abs_diff integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_add_sat integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_sub_sat integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_addAssign integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_subtractAssign integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_multiplyAssign integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_divideAssign integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_moduloAssign integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_andAssign integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_orAssign integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_exclusiveOrAssign integer_ops PASS PASS
unary_ops_increment integer_ops PASS PASS
unary_ops_decrement integer_ops PASS PASS
unary_ops_full integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_mul24 integer_ops PASS PASS
integer_mad24 integer_ops PASS PASS
long_math integer_ops FAIL FAIL
long_logic integer_ops FAIL FAIL
long_shift integer_ops FAIL FAIL
long_compare integer_ops FAIL FAIL
ulong_math integer_ops FAIL FAIL
ulong_logic integer_ops FAIL FAIL
ulong_shift integer_ops FAIL FAIL
ulong_compare integer_ops FAIL FAIL
int_math integer_ops FAIL FAIL
int_logic integer_ops FAIL FAIL
int_shift integer_ops FAIL FAIL
int_compare integer_ops FAIL FAIL
uint_math integer_ops FAIL FAIL
uint_logic integer_ops FAIL FAIL
uint_shift integer_ops FAIL FAIL
uint_compare integer_ops FAIL FAIL
short_math integer_ops FAIL FAIL
short_logic integer_ops FAIL FAIL
short_shift integer_ops FAIL FAIL
short_compare integer_ops FAIL FAIL
ushort_math integer_ops FAIL FAIL
ushort_logic integer_ops FAIL FAIL
ushort_shift integer_ops FAIL FAIL
ushort_compare integer_ops FAIL FAIL
char_math integer_ops FAIL FAIL
char_logic integer_ops FAIL FAIL
char_shift integer_ops FAIL FAIL
char_compare integer_ops FAIL FAIL
uchar_math integer_ops FAIL FAIL
uchar_logic integer_ops FAIL FAIL
uchar_shift integer_ops FAIL FAIL
uchar_compare integer_ops FAIL FAIL
popcount integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_long_math integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_long_logic integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_long_shift integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_long_compare integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_ulong_math integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_ulong_logic integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_ulong_shift integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_ulong_compare integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_int_math integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_int_logic integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_int_shift integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_int_compare integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_uint_math integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_uint_logic integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_uint_shift integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_uint_compare integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_short_math integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_short_logic integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_short_shift integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_short_compare integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_ushort_math integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_ushort_logic integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_ushort_shift integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_ushort_compare integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_char_math integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_char_logic integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_char_shift integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_char_compare integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_uchar_math integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_uchar_logic integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_uchar_shift integer_ops PASS PASS
quick_uchar_compare integer_ops PASS PASS
vector_scalar integer_ops PASS PASS
mem_host_read_only_buffer mem_host_flags PASS PASS
mem_host_read_only_subbuffer mem_host_flags PASS PASS
mem_host_write_only_buffer mem_host_flags PASS PASS
mem_host_write_only_subbuffer mem_host_flags PASS PASS
mem_host_no_access_buffer mem_host_flags PASS PASS
mem_host_no_access_subbuffer mem_host_flags PASS PASS
mem_host_read_only_image mem_host_flags PASS PASS
mem_host_write_only_image mem_host_flags PASS PASS
mem_host_no_access_image mem_host_flags PASS PASS
context_multiple_contexts_same_device multiple_device_context PASS PASS
context_two_contexts_same_device multiple_device_context PASS PASS
context_three_contexts_same_device multiple_device_context PASS PASS
context_four_contexts_same_device multiple_device_context PASS PASS
two_devices multiple_device_context PASS PASS
max_devices multiple_device_context PASS PASS
hundred_queues multiple_device_context PASS PASS
int_0 printf PASS PASS
int_1 printf PASS PASS
int_2 printf PASS PASS
int_3 printf PASS PASS
int_4 printf PASS PASS
int_5 printf PASS PASS
int_6 printf PASS PASS
int_7 printf PASS PASS
int_8 printf PASS PASS
float_0 printf PASS PASS
float_1 printf PASS PASS
float_2 printf PASS PASS
float_3 printf PASS PASS
float_4 printf PASS PASS
float_5 printf PASS PASS
float_6 printf PASS PASS
float_7 printf PASS PASS
float_8 printf PASS PASS
float_9 printf PASS PASS
float_10 printf PASS PASS
float_11 printf PASS PASS
float_12 printf PASS PASS
float_13 printf PASS PASS
float_14 printf PASS PASS
float_15 printf PASS PASS
float_16 printf PASS PASS
float_17 printf PASS PASS
float_limits_0 printf PASS PASS
float_limits_1 printf PASS PASS
float_limits_2 printf PASS PASS
octal_0 printf PASS PASS
octal_1 printf PASS PASS
octal_2 printf PASS PASS
octal_3 printf PASS PASS
unsigned_0 printf PASS PASS
unsigned_1 printf PASS PASS
hexadecimal_0 printf PASS PASS
hexadecimal_1 printf PASS PASS
hexadecimal_2 printf PASS PASS
hexadecimal_3 printf PASS PASS
hexadecimal_4 printf PASS PASS
char_0 printf PASS PASS
char_1 printf PASS PASS
char_2 printf PASS PASS
string_0 printf PASS PASS
string_1 printf PASS PASS
string_2 printf PASS PASS
vector_0 printf PASS PASS
vector_1 printf PASS PASS
vector_2 printf PASS PASS
vector_3 printf PASS PASS
vector_4 printf PASS PASS
address_space_0 printf PASS PASS
address_space_1 printf PASS PASS
address_space_2 printf PASS PASS
address_space_3 printf PASS PASS
address_space_4 printf PASS PASS
read_array_int profiling PASS PASS
read_array_uint profiling PASS PASS
read_array_long profiling PASS PASS
read_array_ulong profiling PASS PASS
read_array_short profiling PASS PASS
read_array_ushort profiling PASS PASS
read_array_float profiling PASS PASS
read_array_char profiling PASS PASS
read_array_uchar profiling PASS PASS
read_array_struct profiling PASS PASS
write_array_int profiling PASS PASS
write_array_uint profiling PASS PASS
write_array_long profiling PASS PASS
write_array_ulong profiling PASS PASS
write_array_short profiling PASS PASS
write_array_ushort profiling PASS PASS
write_array_float profiling PASS PASS
write_array_char profiling PASS PASS
write_array_uchar profiling PASS PASS
write_array_struct profiling PASS PASS
read_image_float profiling PASS PASS
read_image_char profiling PASS PASS
read_image_uchar profiling PASS PASS
write_image_float profiling PASS PASS
write_image_char profiling PASS PASS
write_image_uchar profiling PASS PASS
copy_array profiling PASS PASS
copy_partial_array profiling PASS PASS
copy_image profiling PASS PASS
copy_array_to_image profiling PASS PASS
execute profiling PASS PASS
relational_any relationals PASS PASS
relational_all relationals PASS PASS
relational_bitselect relationals PASS PASS
relational_select_signed relationals PASS PASS
relational_select_unsigned relationals PASS PASS
relational_isequal relationals PASS PASS
relational_isnotequal relationals PASS PASS
relational_isgreater relationals PASS PASS
relational_isgreaterequal relationals PASS PASS
relational_isless relationals PASS PASS
relational_islessequal relationals PASS PASS
relational_islessgreater relationals PASS PASS
shuffle_copy relationals PASS PASS
shuffle_function_call relationals PASS PASS
shuffle_array_cast relationals PASS PASS
shuffle_built_in relationals PASS PASS
shuffle_built_in_dual_input relationals PASS PASS
select_uchar_uchar select PASS PASS
select_uchar_char select PASS PASS
select_char_uchar select PASS PASS
select_char_char select PASS PASS
select_ushort_ushort select PASS PASS
select_ushort_short select PASS PASS
select_short_ushort select PASS PASS
select_short_short select PASS PASS
select_uint_uint select PASS PASS
select_uint_int select PASS PASS
select_int_uint select PASS PASS
select_int_int select PASS PASS
select_float_uint select PASS PASS
select_float_int select PASS PASS
select_ulong_ulong select PASS PASS
select_ulong_long select PASS PASS
select_long_ulong select PASS PASS
select_long_long select PASS PASS
select_double_ulong select PASS PASS
select_double_long select PASS PASS
quick_1d_explicit_local thread_dimensions PASS PASS
quick_2d_explicit_local thread_dimensions PASS PASS
quick_3d_explicit_local thread_dimensions PASS PASS
quick_1d_implicit_local thread_dimensions PASS PASS
quick_2d_implicit_local thread_dimensions PASS PASS
quick_3d_implicit_local thread_dimensions PASS PASS
full_1d_explicit_local thread_dimensions PASS PASS
full_2d_explicit_local thread_dimensions PASS PASS
full_3d_explicit_local thread_dimensions PASS PASS
full_1d_implicit_local thread_dimensions PASS PASS
full_2d_implicit_local thread_dimensions PASS PASS
full_3d_implicit_local thread_dimensions PASS PASS
step_type vectors PASS PASS
step_var vectors PASS PASS
step_typedef_type vectors PASS PASS
step_typedef_var vectors PASS PASS
vec_align_array vectors PASS PASS
vec_align_struct vectors PASS PASS
vec_align_packed_struct vectors PASS PASS
vec_align_struct_arr vectors PASS PASS
vec_align_packed_struct_arr vectors PASS PASS
atomic_init c11_atomics PASS PASS
atomic_store c11_atomics PASS PASS
atomic_load c11_atomics PASS PASS
atomic_exchange c11_atomics PASS PASS
atomic_compare_exchange_weak c11_atomics PASS PASS
atomic_compare_exchange_strong c11_atomics PASS PASS
atomic_fetch_add c11_atomics PASS PASS
atomic_fetch_sub c11_atomics PASS PASS
atomic_fetch_and c11_atomics PASS PASS
atomic_fetch_or c11_atomics PASS PASS
atomic_fetch_orand c11_atomics PASS PASS
atomic_fetch_xor c11_atomics PASS PASS
atomic_fetch_xor2 c11_atomics PASS PASS
atomic_fetch_min c11_atomics PASS PASS
atomic_fetch_max c11_atomics PASS PASS
atomic_flag c11_atomics PASS PASS
atomic_fence c11_atomics PASS PASS
svm_atomic_init c11_atomics PASS PASS
svm_atomic_store c11_atomics PASS PASS
svm_atomic_load c11_atomics PASS PASS
svm_atomic_exchange c11_atomics PASS PASS
svm_atomic_compare_exchange_weak c11_atomics PASS PASS
svm_atomic_compare_exchange_strong c11_atomics PASS PASS
svm_atomic_fetch_add c11_atomics PASS PASS
svm_atomic_fetch_sub c11_atomics PASS PASS
svm_atomic_fetch_and c11_atomics PASS PASS
svm_atomic_fetch_or c11_atomics PASS PASS
svm_atomic_fetch_orand c11_atomics PASS PASS
svm_atomic_fetch_xor c11_atomics PASS PASS
svm_atomic_fetch_xor2 c11_atomics PASS PASS
svm_atomic_fetch_min c11_atomics PASS PASS
svm_atomic_fetch_max c11_atomics PASS PASS
svm_atomic_flag c11_atomics PASS PASS
svm_atomic_fence c11_atomics PASS PASS
device_info device_execution PASS PASS
device_queue device_execution PASS PASS
execute_block device_execution PASS PASS
enqueue_block device_execution PASS PASS
enqueue_nested_blocks device_execution PASS PASS
enqueue_wg_size device_execution PASS PASS
enqueue_flags device_execution PASS PASS
enqueue_multi_queue device_execution PASS PASS
host_multi_queue device_execution PASS PASS
enqueue_ndrange device_execution PASS PASS
host_queue_order device_execution PASS PASS
enqueue_profiling device_execution PASS PASS
non_uniform_1d_basic non_uniform_work_group PASS PASS
non_uniform_1d_atomics non_uniform_work_group PASS PASS
non_uniform_1d_barriers non_uniform_work_group PASS PASS
non_uniform_2d_basic non_uniform_work_group PASS PASS
non_uniform_2d_atomics non_uniform_work_group PASS PASS
non_uniform_2d_barriers non_uniform_work_group PASS PASS
non_uniform_3d_basic non_uniform_work_group PASS PASS
non_uniform_3d_atomics non_uniform_work_group PASS PASS
non_uniform_3d_barriers non_uniform_work_group PASS PASS
non_uniform_other_basic non_uniform_work_group PASS PASS
non_uniform_other_atomics non_uniform_work_group PASS PASS
non_uniform_other_barriers non_uniform_work_group PASS PASS
function_get_fence generic_address_space PASS PASS
function_to_address_space generic_address_space PASS PASS
variable_get_fence generic_address_space PASS PASS
variable_to_address_space generic_address_space PASS PASS
casting generic_address_space PASS PASS
conditional_casting generic_address_space PASS PASS
chain_casting generic_address_space PASS PASS
ternary_operator_casting generic_address_space PASS PASS
language_struct generic_address_space PASS PASS
language_union generic_address_space PASS PASS
multiple_calls_same_function generic_address_space PASS PASS
compare_pointers generic_address_space PASS PASS
library_function generic_address_space PASS PASS
generic_variable_volatile generic_address_space PASS PASS
generic_variable_const generic_address_space PASS PASS
generic_variable_gentype generic_address_space PASS PASS
builtin_functions generic_address_space PASS PASS
generic_advanced_casting generic_address_space PASS PASS
generic_ptr_to_host_mem generic_address_space PASS PASS
generic_ptr_to_host_mem_svm generic_address_space PASS PASS
max_number_of_params generic_address_space PASS PASS
sub_group_info_ext subgroups PASS PASS
sub_group_info_core subgroups PASS PASS
work_item_functions_ext subgroups PASS PASS
work_item_functions_core subgroups PASS PASS
subgroup_functions_ext subgroups PASS PASS
subgroup_functions_core subgroups PASS PASS
barrier_functions_ext subgroups PASS PASS
barrier_functions_core subgroups PASS PASS
ifp_ext subgroups FAIL FAIL
ifp_core subgroups FAIL FAIL
subgroup_functions_extended_types subgroups PASS PASS
subgroup_functions_non_uniform_vote subgroups PASS PASS
subgroup_functions_non_uniform_arithmetic subgroups FAIL FAIL
subgroup_functions_ballot subgroups FAIL FAIL
subgroup_functions_clustered_reduce subgroups PASS PASS
subgroup_functions_shuffle subgroups PASS PASS
subgroup_functions_shuffle_relative subgroups PASS PASS
work_group_all workgroups FAIL FAIL
work_group_any workgroups FAIL FAIL
work_group_reduce_add workgroups PASS PASS
work_group_reduce_min workgroups PASS PASS
work_group_reduce_max workgroups PASS PASS
work_group_scan_inclusive_add workgroups PASS PASS
work_group_scan_inclusive_min workgroups PASS PASS
work_group_scan_inclusive_max workgroups PASS PASS
work_group_scan_exclusive_add workgroups PASS PASS
work_group_scan_exclusive_min workgroups PASS PASS
work_group_scan_exclusive_max workgroups PASS PASS
work_group_broadcast_1D workgroups PASS PASS
work_group_broadcast_2D workgroups PASS PASS
work_group_broadcast_3D workgroups PASS PASS
pipe_readwrite_int pipes PASS PASS
pipe_readwrite_uint pipes PASS PASS
pipe_readwrite_long pipes PASS PASS
pipe_readwrite_ulong pipes PASS PASS
pipe_readwrite_short pipes PASS PASS
pipe_readwrite_ushort pipes PASS PASS
pipe_readwrite_float pipes PASS PASS
pipe_readwrite_half pipes PASS PASS
pipe_readwrite_char pipes PASS PASS
pipe_readwrite_uchar pipes PASS PASS
pipe_readwrite_double pipes PASS PASS
pipe_readwrite_struct pipes PASS PASS
pipe_workgroup_readwrite_int pipes PASS PASS
pipe_workgroup_readwrite_uint pipes PASS PASS
pipe_workgroup_readwrite_long pipes PASS PASS
pipe_workgroup_readwrite_ulong pipes PASS PASS
pipe_workgroup_readwrite_short pipes PASS PASS
pipe_workgroup_readwrite_ushort pipes PASS PASS
pipe_workgroup_readwrite_float pipes PASS PASS
pipe_workgroup_readwrite_half pipes PASS PASS
pipe_workgroup_readwrite_char pipes PASS PASS
pipe_workgroup_readwrite_uchar pipes PASS PASS
pipe_workgroup_readwrite_double pipes PASS PASS
pipe_workgroup_readwrite_struct pipes PASS PASS
pipe_subgroup_readwrite_int pipes PASS PASS
pipe_subgroup_readwrite_uint pipes PASS PASS
pipe_subgroup_readwrite_long pipes PASS PASS
pipe_subgroup_readwrite_ulong pipes PASS PASS
pipe_subgroup_readwrite_short pipes PASS PASS
pipe_subgroup_readwrite_ushort pipes PASS PASS
pipe_subgroup_readwrite_float pipes PASS PASS
pipe_subgroup_readwrite_half pipes PASS PASS
pipe_subgroup_readwrite_char pipes PASS PASS
pipe_subgroup_readwrite_uchar pipes PASS PASS
pipe_subgroup_readwrite_double pipes PASS PASS
pipe_subgroup_readwrite_struct pipes PASS PASS
pipe_convenience_readwrite_int pipes PASS PASS
pipe_convenience_readwrite_uint pipes PASS PASS
pipe_convenience_readwrite_long pipes PASS PASS
pipe_convenience_readwrite_ulong pipes PASS PASS
pipe_convenience_readwrite_short pipes PASS PASS
pipe_convenience_readwrite_ushort pipes PASS PASS
pipe_convenience_readwrite_float pipes PASS PASS
pipe_convenience_readwrite_half pipes PASS PASS
pipe_convenience_readwrite_char pipes PASS PASS
pipe_convenience_readwrite_uchar pipes PASS PASS
pipe_convenience_readwrite_double pipes PASS PASS
pipe_convenience_readwrite_struct pipes PASS PASS
pipe_info pipes PASS PASS
pipe_max_args pipes PASS PASS
pipe_max_packet_size pipes PASS PASS
pipe_max_active_reservations pipes PASS PASS
pipe_query_functions pipes PASS PASS
pipe_readwrite_errors pipes PASS PASS
pipe_subgroups_divergence pipes PASS PASS
timer_resolution_queries device_timer PASS PASS
device_and_host_timers device_timer PASS PASS
ext_cl_khr_spirv_no_integer_wrap_decoration_fadd_int spirv_new PASS PASS
ext_cl_khr_spirv_no_integer_wrap_decoration_fsub_int spirv_new PASS PASS
ext_cl_khr_spirv_no_integer_wrap_decoration_fmul_int spirv_new PASS PASS
ext_cl_khr_spirv_no_integer_wrap_decoration_fshiftleft_int spirv_new PASS PASS
ext_cl_khr_spirv_no_integer_wrap_decoration_fnegate_int spirv_new PASS PASS
ext_cl_khr_spirv_no_integer_wrap_decoration_fadd_uint spirv_new PASS PASS
ext_cl_khr_spirv_no_integer_wrap_decoration_fsub_uint spirv_new PASS PASS
ext_cl_khr_spirv_no_integer_wrap_decoration_fmul_uint spirv_new PASS PASS
ext_cl_khr_spirv_no_integer_wrap_decoration_fshiftleft_uint spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_restrict spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_aliased spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_alignment spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_constant spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_cpacked spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_saturated_conversion_char spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_saturated_conversion_uchar spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_saturated_conversion_short spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_saturated_conversion_ushort spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_saturated_conversion_int spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_saturated_conversion_uint spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_fp_rounding_mode_rte_float_int spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_fp_rounding_mode_rtz_float_int spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_fp_rounding_mode_rtp_float_int spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_fp_rounding_mode_rtn_float_int spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_fp_rounding_mode_rte_double_long spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_fp_rounding_mode_rtz_double_long spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_fp_rounding_mode_rtp_double_long spirv_new PASS PASS
decorate_fp_rounding_mode_rtn_double_long spirv_new PASS PASS
get_program_il spirv_new PASS PASS
linkage_export_function_compile spirv_new PASS PASS
linkage_import_function_compile spirv_new PASS PASS
linkage_import_function_link spirv_new PASS PASS
op_atomic_inc_global spirv_new PASS PASS
op_atomic_dec_global spirv_new PASS PASS
op_label_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_branch_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_unreachable_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_branch_conditional spirv_new PASS PASS
op_branch_conditional_weighted spirv_new PASS PASS
op_composite_construct_int4 spirv_new PASS PASS
op_composite_construct_struct spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_true_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_false_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_int_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_uint_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_char_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_uchar_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_ushort_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_long_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_ulong_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_short_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_float_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_double_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_int4_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_int3_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_struct_int_float_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_struct_int_char_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_struct_struct_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_constant_half_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_copy_int_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_copy_uint_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_copy_char_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_copy_uchar_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
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op_copy_long_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_copy_ulong_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_copy_short_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_copy_float_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_copy_double_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_copy_int4_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_copy_int3_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_copy_struct_int_float_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_copy_struct_int_char_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_copy_struct_struct_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_copy_half_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
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op_fsub_float_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmul_float_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fdiv_float_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_frem_float_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmod_float_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fadd_float_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fsub_float_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmul_float_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fdiv_float_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_frem_float_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmod_float_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fadd_double_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fsub_double_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmul_double_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fdiv_double_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_frem_double_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmod_double_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
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op_fsub_double_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmul_double_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fdiv_double_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_frem_double_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmod_double_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
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op_fdiv_float4_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_frem_float4_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmod_float4_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fadd_float4_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fsub_float4_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmul_float4_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fdiv_float4_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_frem_float4_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmod_float4_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fadd_double2_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fsub_double2_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmul_double2_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fdiv_double2_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_frem_double2_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmod_double2_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fadd_double2_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fsub_double2_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmul_double2_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fdiv_double2_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_frem_double2_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmod_double2_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fadd_half_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fsub_half_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmul_half_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fdiv_half_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_frem_half_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmod_half_regular spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fadd_half_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fsub_half_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmul_half_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fdiv_half_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_frem_half_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
op_fmod_half_fast spirv_new PASS PASS
function_none spirv_new PASS PASS
function_inline spirv_new PASS PASS
function_noinline spirv_new PASS PASS
function_pure spirv_new PASS PASS
function_const spirv_new PASS PASS
function_pure_ptr spirv_new FAIL FAIL
op_lifetime_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_loop_merge_branch_none spirv_new PASS PASS
op_loop_merge_branch_unroll spirv_new PASS PASS
op_loop_merge_branch_dont_unroll spirv_new PASS PASS
op_loop_merge_branch_conditional_none spirv_new PASS PASS
op_loop_merge_branch_conditional_unroll spirv_new PASS PASS
op_loop_merge_branch_conditional_dont_unroll spirv_new PASS PASS
op_neg_float spirv_new PASS PASS
op_neg_double spirv_new PASS PASS
op_neg_int spirv_new PASS PASS
op_neg_long spirv_new PASS PASS
op_not_int spirv_new PASS PASS
op_not_long spirv_new PASS PASS
op_neg_short spirv_new PASS PASS
op_not_short spirv_new PASS PASS
op_neg_float4 spirv_new PASS PASS
op_neg_int4 spirv_new PASS PASS
op_not_int4 spirv_new PASS PASS
op_type_opaque_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_phi_2_blocks spirv_new PASS PASS
op_phi_3_blocks spirv_new PASS PASS
op_phi_4_blocks spirv_new PASS PASS
op_selection_merge_if_none spirv_new PASS PASS
op_selection_merge_if_flatten spirv_new PASS PASS
op_selection_merge_if_dont_flatten spirv_new PASS PASS
op_selection_merge_swith_none spirv_new FAIL FAIL
op_selection_merge_swith_flatten spirv_new FAIL FAIL
op_selection_merge_swith_dont_flatten spirv_new FAIL FAIL
op_spec_constant_uint_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_spec_constant_uchar_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_spec_constant_ushort_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_spec_constant_ulong_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_spec_constant_float_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_spec_constant_half_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_spec_constant_double_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_spec_constant_true_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_spec_constant_false_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_undef_true_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_undef_false_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_undef_int_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_undef_uint_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_undef_char_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_undef_uchar_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_undef_ushort_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_undef_long_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_undef_ulong_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_undef_short_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_undef_float_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_undef_double_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_undef_int4_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_undef_int3_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_undef_struct_int_float_simple spirv_new FAIL FAIL
op_undef_struct_int_char_simple spirv_new FAIL FAIL
op_undef_struct_struct_simple spirv_new FAIL FAIL
op_undef_half_simple spirv_new PASS PASS
op_vector_int4_extract spirv_new PASS PASS
op_vector_float4_extract spirv_new PASS PASS
op_vector_long2_extract spirv_new PASS PASS
op_vector_double2_extract spirv_new PASS PASS
op_vector_char16_extract spirv_new PASS PASS
op_vector_int4_insert spirv_new PASS PASS
op_vector_float4_insert spirv_new PASS PASS
op_vector_long2_insert spirv_new PASS PASS
op_vector_double2_insert spirv_new PASS PASS
op_vector_char16_insert spirv_new PASS PASS
op_vector_times_scalar_float spirv_new PASS PASS
op_vector_times_scalar_double spirv_new PASS PASS
acos math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
acosh math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
acospi math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
add math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
asin math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
asinh math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
asinpi math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
assignment math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
atan math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
atan2 math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
atan2pi math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
atanh math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
atanpi math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
cbrt math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
ceil math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
copysign math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
cos math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
cosh math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
cospi math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
divide math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
divide_cr math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
exp math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
exp10 math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
exp2 math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
expm1 math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
fabs math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
fdim math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
floor math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
fma math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
fmax math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
fmin math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
fmod math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
fract math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
frexp math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
half_cos math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
half_divide math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
half_exp math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
half_exp10 math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
half_exp2 math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
half_log math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
half_log10 math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
half_log2 math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
half_powr math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
half_recip math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
half_rsqrt math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
half_sin math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
half_sqrt math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
half_tan math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
hypot math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
ilogb math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
isequal math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
isfinite math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
isgreater math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
isgreaterequal math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
isinf math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
isless math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
islessequal math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
islessgreater math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
isnan math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
isnormal math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
isnotequal math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
isordered math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
isunordered math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
ldexp math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
lgamma math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
lgamma_r math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
log math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
log10 math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
log1p math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
log2 math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
logb math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
mad math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
maxmag math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
minmag math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
modf math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
multiply math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
nan math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
nextafter math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
not math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
pow math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
pown math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
powr math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
remainder math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
remquo math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
rint math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
rootn math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
round math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
rsqrt math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
signbit math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
sin math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
sincos math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
sinh math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
sinpi math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
sqrt math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
sqrt_cr math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
subtract math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
tan math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
tanh math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
tanpi math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
trunc math_brute_force FAIL FAIL
svm_byte_granularity SVM PASS PASS
svm_set_kernel_exec_info_svm_ptrs SVM PASS PASS
svm_fine_grain_memory_consistency SVM PASS PASS
svm_fine_grain_sync_buffers SVM PASS PASS
svm_shared_address_space_fine_grain SVM PASS PASS
svm_shared_sub_buffers SVM PASS PASS
svm_shared_address_space_fine_grain_buffers SVM PASS PASS
svm_allocate_shared_buffer SVM PASS PASS
svm_shared_address_space_coarse_grain_old_api SVM PASS PASS
svm_shared_address_space_coarse_grain_new_api SVM PASS PASS
svm_cross_buffer_pointers_coarse_grain SVM PASS PASS
svm_pointer_passing SVM PASS PASS
svm_enqueue_api SVM PASS PASS
svm_migrate SVM PASS PASS
1D clCopyImage PASS PASS
2D clCopyImage PASS PASS
3D clCopyImage PASS PASS
1Darray clCopyImage PASS PASS
2Darray clCopyImage PASS PASS
2Dto3D clCopyImage PASS PASS
3Dto2D clCopyImage PASS PASS
2Darrayto2D clCopyImage PASS PASS
2Dto2Darray clCopyImage PASS PASS
2Darrayto3D clCopyImage PASS PASS
3Dto2Darray clCopyImage PASS PASS
1D clFillImage PASS PASS
2D clFillImage PASS PASS
3D clFillImage PASS PASS
1Darray clFillImage PASS PASS
2Darray clFillImage PASS PASS
1D clGetInfo PASS PASS
2D clGetInfo PASS PASS
3D clGetInfo PASS PASS
1Darray clGetInfo PASS PASS
2Darray clGetInfo PASS PASS
1D clReadWriteImage PASS PASS
2D clReadWriteImage PASS PASS
3D clReadWriteImage PASS PASS
1Darray clReadWriteImage PASS PASS
2Darray clReadWriteImage PASS PASS
1D kernel_image_methods PASS PASS
2D kernel_image_methods PASS PASS
3D kernel_image_methods PASS PASS
1Darray kernel_image_methods PASS PASS
2Darray kernel_image_methods PASS PASS
1D kernel_read_write FAIL FAIL
2D kernel_read_write FAIL FAIL
3D kernel_read_write FAIL FAIL
1Darray kernel_read_write FAIL FAIL
2Darray kernel_read_write FAIL FAIL
1D samplerlessReads PASS PASS
2D samplerlessReads PASS PASS
3D samplerlessReads PASS PASS
1Darray samplerlessReads PASS PASS
2Darray samplerlessReads PASS PASS